Festival Finale Reading
Saturday November 18, 7 PM, Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art,
421 Cawston Ave, Kelowna
All Welcome, Free Admission
Sarah de Leeuw and Margo Tamez are two award-winning poets and academics. Their work in both realms investigates issues of social justice.
Sarah De Leeuw is the author of seven literary books (creative non-fiction and poetry) and co-editor of five academic texts. Her most recent book of poetry is Lot. She is a Professor and Canada Research Chair with the Northern Medical Program. She divides her time between Lheidli T’enneh/Dakelh Territory (Prince George) and Syilx Territory (Okanagan Centre), British Columbia.
Margo Tamez is a Ndé Dene [Lipan Apache; Athapaskan] inter-disciplinary herstorian as well as poet. Margo’s recently published poetry collection, FATHER | GENOCIDE a long-poem and elegy, is an investigation into settler colonial narrative history at pivotal moments in the constructions of Texas. Margo is currently an Associate Professor in Indigenous Studies at UBC Okanagan and lives on Sqilxw lands, by N’sis’oolowx Creek.